I know the title doesn’t help much; hopefully it will all make sense shortly. Hopefully my last post gave you some insight into my general distain for people who are so busy worrying about where they came from and what they look like that they cannot focus on where they are going. If a commoner cannot focus on where they are going, they are going to be even more useless to the rest of their kinsmen in Commonland.
Every day I read something in the paper where one group of people gets offended by something somebody said or did because of the color of their skin. Of all the things in this world to hate somebody for, the color of their skin has got to be the most ridiculous of them all. There are so many really good reasons to hate people: Stupid People, Pedophiles, Murderers, and Politicians, just to name a few.
Since I am a very simple man, I realize that you cannot change people’s prejudices. Instead of trying to change the way people think, I have decided the simplest way to fix that problem is to ban marriages of people who are the same skin color. You notice I did not say same “ethnicity” or “race”, because don’t forget we are all human beings and more importantly, we are all Commoners. Of course I will not break up couples who are currently married, that would not be right. But all marriages after my coronation will have to be Ministry of Marriage approved. In order to qualify for marriage, both participants must be willing, over the age of 21, sober, blood tested and most importantly have different skin color. The way I see it, after a few generations we will all have the same skin color and people can get over themselves and focus on hating people for legitimate reasons. I know this change might sound a little extreme, but it is all for the good of The Kingdom of Commonland.
Please check back in every few days for further updates on changes you can expect. If you have not already done so, please join my followers (I promise that nobody will be asked to drink the Kool-Aid), and tell your friends about my plans. Take care of yourselves and other.
Your Supreme Ruler
King Common
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