Ok. It's now officially official. I am announcing my candidacy for King. I am just a common man like most or hopefully all of you (by "man" I am identifying myself as that of the male species, but also use the term generically to identify all people of all races, genders, gender questionable, gender in transition or gender unknown) reading this (hence the name "King Common"). I'm just a lowly non-politically affiliated, highly opinionated, over paid, under worked meat & potato eating American (for now, until my kingdom becomes official), who is ready for a change. I'm not edumacated or politically correct enough to run for President, so my only hope to change the world for the better is to become King.
As this is my first post, I think I will let you know a little about me so you can make a rational decision as to why you should vote me for King.
My philosophy is very simple. Stop compromising what is right for what is convenient. Take the emotion and "morality" out of ruling, and start weighing the benefits of the entire kingdom as opposed to the rights and freedoms of one person. Now, I know some of you might be thinking "communism", you are 100% incorrect. I am ALL of the "ism's" put together. My only goal is that my Kingdom and all of my inhabitants thrive and live life to the fullest. I am not against individuals profiting and succeeding in life. I think if you work hard, or are the "best" at what you do, then you should be rewarded. But I also expect EVERYBODY in my kingdom to pull their own weight (as long as they are capable).
Some of you may see my postings and say "He's the Anti-Christ". I'm 100% OK with that. I know that may sound odd, but hopefully by me saying it's OK to call me the Anti-Christ then the "religious right" will acknowledge that I am not him. I guess the way I look at it, either I'll bring about the apocalypse/rapture/Armageddon and the world will end, or I'll create a better place for all of us. Either way, it's a win-win-situation.
The other thing that I can see people thinking is that I'm an egomaniac who thinks he is a god who should rule all the little people. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I have a very low self opinion of myself, I don't like what I see in the mirror and I take anti-depressants. But what I do think I can do is rule fairly, objectively, and will always put the greater good above my own prosperity.
So that is me. I don't want people to rush to judgement as to why I should be their supreme leader. I will post different thoughts/views for your consideration so you can make the rational (and right) choice that I am the only choice for King.
Your Supreme Ruler
King Common
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